Thursday, March 8, 2007

Assignment 3 Book Life NMED 1000

I had fun doing this project. After doing the collage tutorial in class today, I wish I could have blended my images better in this project and made the design a little more compelling, but one can only do as much as they know how to, right? Overall, I was pleased with the way it printed out although the black ink started to fade quite noticably for some of the pages but it cost me 9 bucks to print so I wasn't about to take it somewhere else and get it done again. Despite the fading, I prefer the overall product of the printed version better than the screen version, mainly because it is bound together and it is just more satisyfing to look at it on paper as opposed to screen. I felt the story was kind-of cheesy, but I got positive feedback regarding it, so I decided to go with it and not be my own worst critic.

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